A Novel Idea
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2018-07-07
Age : 31
Location : St. Cloud, MN

Book 2! :D Empty Book 2! :D

Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:37 pm
Alrighty! So our first two month cycle is over. The first book was a doozy, it was thick and could be challenging material depending on your usual genre/reading habits. So I want to say this, NO WORRIES if you didn't finish it. I barely got into it myself. I only got through about 5ish chapters. I got busy, I set it aside, things happen. I (and Stephen) am watching the BBC miniseries on Netflix now. We are a couple of episodes in and it seems pretty good. If you wanted a good round up of the book in about 7 hours, that's a good way to do it. Our next book should be a bit more manageable. American Gods by Neil Gaiman is significantly shorter, about 2/3 the size of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I personally, plan on whole heartedly finishing this one, and for me in one month because November is National Novel Writing Month, and I'll be too busy writing/volunteering to read. I have full faith in all of us to finish this next adventure! Hope to hear from you! Happy reading!
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